Saturday, September 22, 2012

Book Review: Passion Play, book by Beth Bernobich

review by Nanette M
Not a bad debut novel.

(Warning: tiny plot spoiler in next sentence.) Set in a fantasy Renaissance-y universe, it starts out strongly, with engaging characters who have horrible things happen to them--perhaps even over the top on this one. By somewhere in the middle, though, we get bogged down in the politics of the area (a map would have been verrry helpful), without ever having been able to sort out who leads where in a memorable or reliable way,and then the end is a clear rush to prepare for the sequel. The title is misleading and might well better serve as a series title, as the end clearly begs for the next book.

Nonetheless, I found much of the story hard to put down.  applause for a good start, overall.

Buy Passion Play Kindle Edition  Hardcover  Paperback

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